References for First Safari
In case any readers want to go beyond the reading list in the Appendix of First Safari, (pp. 226-230), here are some more references by page number. In many cases with regards to biographical material in particular, First Safari cannibalises and develops arguments in the Van Riebeeck Society edition and the Brenthurst volume. In general, I have not added annotations for references that can easily be traced on the Internet. In others (like the T S Eliot reference on p.9), readers will have to trust my memory…
- 3: The Revolutionary Parliament. In its journal, the Moniteur Universel.
- 4: Stresemann. See his Ornithology from Aristotle to the Present, 1975.
- 5: John Durham Peters. See The Marvelous Clouds, 2015.
p.9: My publications on the miscegenation theme include: “Reproductive Modes and Marriage Markets: Sex and Race in the South African Novel.” The Political Economy of Race: Proceedings of a Conference on Economic Development and Racial Domination. Ed. by Wilmot James, 1984, “Race and Sex in English South African Fiction.” Race and Literature, Ed. Charles Malan. Durban: 152-162, 1988, “The Immorality Act and the Liberal Novel,” in A D Spiegel, ed., Africa Seminar: Collected Papers, Vol 5 :108-23, 1985, and “Legislating women” in Journal of Literary Studies, 12:1&2, 145-70, 1996. For its relevance to Levaillant, see “The wreck of the Grosvenor and the beginning of English South African literature.” English in Africa 22:2, 1-18, 1996.
P 10: The colloquium: “The Botany of Empire in the long eighteenth century.” Held at Dumbarton Oaks from October 4-5, 2013.
- 15: Comments about Levaillant in his old age: See, e.g. Bégin, Biographie de la Moselle. 1834.
Chapter 1
p.17: Journal Encylopédique: See issue of Dec 1789, pp. 496-502.
- 19: Bécoeur: See L. C. Rookmaaker, P.A. Morris, I.E. Glenn, P.J. Mundy, “The ornithological cabinet of Jean-Baptiste Bécoeur and the secret of the arsenical soap.” Archives of Natural History, 33:1 (April), 146-58, 2006.
Chapter 3:
- 48: Incident of shooting the eagle: See Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux d’Afrique: Vol 3, pp. 7-8 notes, 1802.
- 57: On Wallace Stevens’s recollections of wilderness on his death-bed, see Paul Mariani, The Whole Harmonium, 2016.
Chapter 4:
- 60: ‘heated academic exchange’. See English in Africa, 2009 and 2010 for this series of exchanges.
- 61: Cullinan: Robert Jacob Gordon: 1743-1795, p. 28, 1992. The poem: ‘1818, M. Francois Le Vaillant recalls his travels to the interior parts of Africa 1780-1785’ is in Cullinan, Selected Poems 1961-1994.
- 65: ‘Naughty us!’ This play with the reader was typical of 18th century writers like Sterne.
- 95: Keith Dietrich: In his 1993 PhD dissertation with UNISA, ‘Of salvation and civilisation.’
- 97: ‘in a scholarly article’. See the Legislating Women article, reference on the p. 9 references above.
- 101: Joel Kovel: See his White Racism: A Psychohistory, 1970. On the Grosvenor, see the article on the Wreck of the Grosvenor listed among the references to p.9 above.
Chapter 5
- 110: Liebenberg: The Art of Tracking. 1990.
Chapter 7
p. 166: female ornithologists: See e.g. Odom and Benedict: ‘A call to document female bird songs: Applications for diverse fields.’ The Auk, 314-25, 2018.
- 180-81: On the Roberts/Lighton/Finch-Davies controversy, see, e.g., Clancey in Bokmakierie 1984, Don Pinnock The Madness of a Collector, 2013, Demasius, The tragic case of Claude Gibney-Finch Davies, Lanioturdus, 2015. The Wikipedia entry on Finch-Davies erroneously credits him for all the illustrations in early volumes of Roberts.
- 181: ‘I once wrote.’ See “Levaillant’s Bird Books and the origin of a genre.” AlterNation. 16:2, 91-101. 2009.
- 220: The classic treatment of wilderness is Roderick Nash’s Wilderness and the American Mind, revised many times. American ideals of wilderness influenced South African figures like Ian Player strongly but a comparative South African study is needed.